
Shau Kei Wan

This is the view from the window of my office lift lobby. I used a special filter to take this photo, therefore the scruffy metal houses and factory building looks like LEGO toys.

Shau Kei Wan (traditional Chinese: 筲箕灣) or Shaukeiwan, Shaukiwan is a town in Eastern District, Hong Kong. Literally, Shau Kei means a pail, and Wan implies that the town is developed along the coast. Nowadays it is a relatively densely populated town compared with some developing areas.

To know more about Shau Kei Wan, please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shau_Kei_Wan

1 comment:

  1. The name sounds familiar. I must've seen the name or been there in my last trip to HK. My wife and I love HK. It's a lovely city and it's fun to explore the city.


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